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The web survey on Union Services, Membership, and Participation is one of the main research tools of the BreakBack project. Its main objective is to provide a preliminary assessment of the experiences achieved in five European countries (Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Lithuania, and Spain). The survey respondents are the users of the services selected as case studies in this project and they will be invited by the Trade Union responsible for the services provision. 

Filling out the questionnaire will take no more than 15 minutes and will allow BreakBack's research group to obtain important information to suggest new forms of union representation. 

The responses will be completely anonymous and they cannot, in any way, be traced back to respondents. No information that could identify the respondents or make them potentially identifiable will be collected. 

Answers will be processed only in an aggregate form and they will be managed exclusively by project partners. 

For further information on how to participate in the survey and fill out the questionnaire, write to: